Top 10k strings from Cribbage (1984)(Gamma Software).z80
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5 C(H(F,G),2 3 B$="PAIR": 2 H(F,G)=H(F,G+1 2 G(A)=G(A)+1 2 C(H(F,G),1 2 A$="12345": 2 A$="12345" 2 YOU GET FIRST CRIB 2 I SCORE 3 'FOR LAST' 1 USER DISCARDS 1 This program is written 1 THE 'CRIB' AND 1 T=T+C(H(F,G),3 1 T=T+C(H(A,PY),3 1 T-C(H(F,G),3 1 SHOW-SCORE 1 S(A)=S(A)+1 1 Q=Q+(C(H(1 1 Q=C(H(F,X(G,4 1 Q=C(H(F,X(7 1 PRINT SUB-TOT 1 PLAY-SCORE DETECTOR---- 1 PLAY CARDS 1 N$="A23456789 1 MACHINE PLAY 1 MACHINE DISCARDS 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 H(F,G)>100 1 H(F,G)=H(F,G)-100 1 H(A,PY)=H(A,PY)+100 1 H(A,F)>100 1 GIVEN F & A 1 D$=D$+" THIRTY-ONE +" 1 D$=D$+" RUN ("+ 1 D$=D$+" FIFTEEN +" 1 D$=" PAIRS ROYAL +" 1 D$=" PAIR +" 1 D$=" DOUBLE PAIRS ROYAL +" 1 CRIB-BOARD 1 CG=C(H(F,G+1 1 C(H(A,F),3 1 B$="PAIRS ROYAL": 1 B$="FLUSH": 1 B$="FIFTEEN" 1 B$="DOUBLE PAIRS ROYAL": 1 B$="'ONE FOR HIS NOBS'": 1 A$=A$+"- DOUBLE GAME ": 1 A$=A$+"- - SCORE - "+ 1 A$=A$+" WIN " 1 A$=A$+" - YOU ARE WINNING" 1 A$=A$+" - YOU ARE LOSING" 1 A$=A$+" - - [ PRESS ANY KEY FOR NEW GAME ]" 1 A$=" - - YOU" 1 A$=" - - I" 1 A$,B$,Q,Z: 1 A$(PY)="0" 1 A$(H);" ": 1 ;"[ PRESS ANY KEY ]": 1 ;"YOUR HAND"; 1 ;"THE SHOW" 1 ;"THE PLAY" 1 ;"SHOW - SCORES" 1 ;"REPEAT INSTRUCTIONS ? [ Y / N ]": 1 ;"PLAY - SCORES" 1 ;"PAIRS, PAIRS ROYAL AND 1 ;"PAIRS ROYAL" 1 ;"HIS NOBS" 1 ;"FLUSHES" 1 ;"FIVE-CARD CRIBBAGE" 1 ;"FIFTEENS AND RUNS" 1 ;"FIFTEEN" 1 ;"DOUBLE PAIRS ROYAL" 1 ;"DEAL AND DISCARDS" 1 ;"BY D J WEST "; 1 ;"5-CARD CRIBBAGE"; 1 ;"'TWO FOR HIS HEELS'": 1 ;"'ONE FOR LAST'": 1 ;"""GO""";#0 1 ;" [ PRESS ANY KEY FOR NEW DEAL ] ": 1 ;" THE CRIB "; 1 ;" MY HAND "; 1 ;" [ PRESS ANY KEY FOR SHOW ] ": 1 ;" INSTRUCTIONS ? [ Y / N ] ": 1 23692,255: 1 2*2;11223,11233,12233 1 -PLAY-LOOP 1 ,CP)=H(A,PY) 1 +(H*G))="-" 1 +(H*G))="+" 1 *(H(F,G)=TU); 1 *(C(H(X,Y),1 1 )>C(H(F,G+1 1 )=C(H(F,G+3 1 )=C(H(F,G+2 1 )=C(H(F,G+1 1 )-C(H(F,G),2 1 )+C(H(F,X(G,5 1 )+C(H(F,X(7 1 )),S(A)-(S(A)>30 1 ))+N$(C(H(X,Y),2 1 (no. of cards in run) 1 (F),H(4,F): 1 (C(H(X,Y),1 1 'two for his heels' 1 'three for last' 1 'one for last' 1 '"When a player reaches 61 the game ends. If the loser has scored less than 31, a Double- game or 'lurch' is scored." 1 '"What you discard depends largelyon whether or not it is your crib." 1 '"Type 2 numbers (1-5) and ENTER." 1 '"This continues until all cards are showing, or no card can be played without making the total more than 1 '"These discards go towards form- ing the 'crib' or 'box'..." 1 '"The object of this two-player game is to score 61 before your opponent, the Spectrum." 1 '"The discards having been made, the 'start' is turned up. This is the card which later becomes common to both hands and the crib. (see 'Show')" 1 '"The crib is scored to alternate players at the end of each deal."; 1 '"Starting with whoever DOESN'T have the crib, the players take turns in laying their cards, oneby one, on the table, keeping a running-total of the cards' pip-values."; 1 '"Scoring in the Show is similar to that of the Play and goes as follows..." 1 '"Scores are made during the Play as follows..." 1 '"If you're new to the game and/or all is not clear, read these in-structions again and try playinga game, it's probably easier than you think." 1 '"If you're new to the game and/or all is not clear, don't worry, the easiest way to learn Crib- bage is to play it." 1 '"Good luck..." 1 '"Five cards are dealt to both players from a standard 52-card pack. When the Spectrum has made two discards, you are promp-ted to do likewise:" 1 '"Again, starting with the player who doesn't have the crib, the hands are layed on the table, along with the start, evaluated and scored." 1 #pp;" ";x(a,4);x(a,5): 1 "as Play except cards are in handor crib" 1 "as Play except ANY combinations in hand or crib score" 1 "You play, when prompted, by typ-ing a card number (1-3) and thenENTER. "'"All invalid inputs are ignored." 1 "Who gets the first crib is deter-mined at random, and, to offsetany possible dissadvantage, the other player scores 1 "Total pip count = 15 - 1 "Then the crib-holder's hand is scored and, finally, the crib itself." 1 "The last 3 or more cards can be arranged in sequence eg. A32 or 1 "The computer deals and keeps score automatically." 1 "Jack (in hand or crib) is the same suit as the start - score 1 "If the start is a Jack then who-ever has the crib scores 1 "CRIBBAGE" 1 "At the end of the Show, you are asked to press a key for the next deal; if you missed a scoreand are unclear about how it wasmade, you can repeat the Show bypressing [ R ]." 1 "All cards in hand (inc. start) are the same suit - score 1 "All cards in hand (exc. start) are the same suit - score 1 "All cards in crib (inc. start) are the same suit - score 1 "4 cards of the same denominationplayed in turn - 1 "3 cards of the same denominationplayed in turn - 1 "2 cards of the same denominationplayed in turn - 1 " (Aces always count low,J,Q and K count 10)." 1 " The last to play scores 1 unless thetotal is exactly 1 something that could be a 1 is scored." 1 copyright of 1 by D J West and is 1 [ PRESS ANY KEY ] 1 YOUR PLAY ? "; 1 YOUR CRIB 1 YOU SCORE 3 'FOR LAST' 1 NOW for instant evaluation. 1 LONDON NW6 7AS. 1 If you just have written 1 Hot Seller, send it to us 1 GAMMA SOFTWARE "; 1 GAMMA SOFTWARE 1 FIRST CRIB IS MINE 1 DOUBLE PAIRS ROYAL" 1 DISCARDS ?? "; 1 DISCARDS ?? 1 18 MILVERTON ROAD 1 *** PROGRAMMERS ***